The Secret in Danica's class...
Danica brought my copy of "The Secret" to school. I was a bit iffy and nervous about lending out the original. I sure didn't want anyone to scratch it up or worse, lose it. But then on the other hand, if that did happen I knew exactly where to get my hands on another copy.
She called me just now (early release day) that Mrs Watson absolutley loved the movie and her whole class watched 3/4 of it. They were astonished to know that changing the way you think can have a massive impact on your life. I only wish someone had showed me this movie while growing up. I would have a better, less stressful, childhood. Perhaps these kids will learn that there's much more to life than having to tell themselves or worse off, someone telling them they can't do certain things or can't become what they want. I think Mrs. Watson asked Danica to bring it back tomorrow to watch the rest of it. :) I'm really glad that someone else can benefit from this movie and this in itself gives me the one and only reason to have myself block out the negativity that Pete gives me about it.
Pete is still closeminded about the whole thing. We tried to watch "What the bleep do we know" last night. He watched about 10 minutes of it and said "I don't get it." What got me frustrated was the fact that I couldn't explain it to him. I try but find myself getting tounge tied in the process. Umm...I should have known better than to have him think outside the box. I was a bit disappointed at the time but shrugged it off and put myself in the allowing state of happiness again. He thought I was pissed but I've learned that you really can't change someone's point of view. You can only change yourself. As long as he doesn't try changing my view...I'm fine. Perhaps I should envision him wanting to know more about it, wanting to learn something different, talking openly about it with me?
It's worth a try I suppose but for now, I think I'll envision a nice warm vacation for us. The weather has become a freezing -15 degrees in Toronto and there's nothing more tempting than to ditch this fridgid weather for a warmer, blistfull Cuba right about now.