Friday, April 27, 2007

The New Pet...

Stella (my sister) called me last night to invite the girls and I to her son's birthday party on Saturday. She decided to gather up about 10 boys from his class and go bowling. All I can say is, thank goodness for gutter rails.

She also told me she went to visit my parents on Wednesday. My father was doing some yardwork when he found a burrow with 5 tiny rabbits inside. Apparently, mamma rabbit left her babies there only to return at night to feed them. So he sheltered the burrow for the 5 bunnies just in case it rained and put out some lettuce for them to eat.

I could have sworn Pete was adament about bringing any more pets in the house but when I told him about it last night, he said we should take a couple home before they ran away. Yeah, shocking....until he mentioned how good they would taste grilled on the BBQ. Typical Pete. ...very funny.

Anyway, the kids were apparently listening in on my conversation because they were all over me about this "new pet" when I got off the phone. Looks like I'm going to have to take my conversations into the bathroom with the water running from now on.

Edit: Here's what Hopper, the new little addition to the family looks like....

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Looking forward to...

I'm not going to lie.
It hasn't been very adventurous around the Trinity household lately.

Danica is doing well and so is Juliana. Peter finally opened up the new shop. Umm... My two dogs need grooming. Me? I'm in good spirits. I've got much to look forward to I suppose.

Maia's party with Bob Snider on the 5th of May, two Def Leppard concerts in July and possibly some time off with my girls after that. Then, a possible new CD release from James Blunt. That last one better be in the works around the 29th of September. Perfect for my birthday present. lol

So there you have it. Oh what exciting fun. (not) Who knows....maybe next time I'll have some juicy gossip for you to sink your teeth into. Like, what I'll be eating for lunch tomorrow. Get it? Sink your teeth into?
Errrr.....ok, I know when to quit.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter weekend and spiritual growth....

I had one of the best visits with my parents.
My dad and I usually don't get into "heavy" conversations but sparked by previous news of Pete's Aunt who is on her death bed and awaiting the conversion into her new non-physical life, I just had to start our gathering by questioning why people think death is such a bad thing.

I know that my dad is an agnostic. He doesn't believe in God, our everlasting souls, spirits or anything of the like. We bantered about life and death like two children trying to find an answer to it all. He (being the old wise one), is convinced there is no such thing as an after life and I'm right back in his face smiling while I state that even though we can't see, hear or feel many things with our physical senses that they do exist. Christopher Columbus was once told that the earth was flat and he set out to prove everyone wrong. Instead of falling off the edge of the earth he discovered America. Scientists today are revealing new discoveries every day. New planets and solar systems are being found. Brain waves are being measured to test the power of thought. The possibilities are endless! What a fantastic topic to debate about! Deep conversations make me feel so...... alive!

Yeah, I do get the odd "we'll worry when she joins a cult" kind of comments from my family but I know they're joking.... I don't give a shit. If they'd prefer to be comfortable staying within the comfort of their non-life changing thoughts, that's up to them but that doesn't sway me from thinking outside the box. I love talking about spirituality. Nothing religious just ...connecting with your higher self and such.

The only comment that rubs me the wrong way is when Peter is bothered...or should I say embarrassed by my dialogues and conversations, especially with my own family. It's not as though I'm preaching or trying to convert anyone. Perhaps it's because the only thing spiritual about him is his ability to pray to the car Gods which is sadly why we don't discuss anything of true importance other than who's going to pick up the kids. Sometimes it worries me because I've read somewhere that if a couple grows apart spiritually they'll just end up separating physically. There's really nothing left.

I believe that your spiritual growth is the greatest contribution you can make to yourself. Committing to your spiritual growth starts by loving and accepting yourself as you are right now, acknowledging the light, love and power that you already have within you....and there is absolutely, positively nothing wrong with that.
