Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Me? An Author?

The birthday's are over...I think.

We celebrated my mother-in-laws 72nd birthday over the past weekend. It was nice but I'm really starting to have a beef with the sister-in-law and her angry, biting son. There have been several occasions now where Nicky has pushed, shoved, bitten and/or hit one of my kids and she does nothing to control his behaviour.

On a more positive note, I'm thinking of writing a book. I'm sure the materials I've gathered thus far are good but have to composite a beginning and an end which could be done quite easily if it were not for the lack of time. The book will consist of selected diary entries, episodes of depression and my story of survival. I figure if I'm going to write about something, it should be something I know about....and I certainly know about depression.
This could work...right? I mean, I know I'm not the most gifted writer but I'll never know if I don't try.

I've gotta run. I've been off work for a couple of days with the kids so I have alot to catch up on.
Oh, and I've finally booked my seat for the Abraham-Hicks lecture on the 17th of March. Can't wait!



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