Down memory lane...
Was just reminiscing about my old diaries and thought I'd post a few words since it has been a few years since I've added anything.
My life has been a whirlwind since my last post and yet, as I look back at all that has happened, I'd have to say that nothing major happend.
I did manage to get my hands on enough money for a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy to which I lost 64lbs. I now resemble my pictures from highschool. Thrilled, isn't a strong enough word to describe how I feel about it. Shopping is a pleasure now.
I did also have my gallbladder out. The first attact scared me shitless. Thought I was having a heart attack until I figured out what the heck was giving me all that pain.
Pete and I are still together. His trust issues have lessened but we still have the occasional arguement about it. Normal, right? I sold my Camaro. Pete still thinks I'm going to race his car this year but....I think not. I think I'll leave the racing to the big boys.
Concerts are still my thing. Music makes me happy. James makes me happy.

Still working. Kids are bigger...and mouthier. lol My oldest daughter has just been diagnosed with OCD. Very stressful to say the least but she's on medication and going to therapy.
Somewhere along the way, between my last post and this one, I've noticed that my life was pretty blah so I made a vow to myself that I'd experience everything life had to offer (if and when the opportunity comes/came). Well, that's what life's all about ...isn't it?
I tried pot last week for the very first time. Yeah, me. At 42yrs old decided hey...I wonder what the hype is all about so Pete got some and we smoked up together. He obviously smoked much more than I did and felt sick afterwards. Poor guy.
Me? I laughed at the stupidest thoughts. Two days later I smoked up but this time more and was really spaced out. I can honestly tell you that the first 10 minutes was fun but then it just became annoying. Not my cup-o-tea I suppose. At least now I can go to my grave having experienced it and I don't have to think about it anymore.
Work is kinda slow so if I think of anything major, I'll make sure to post again.
Ciao for now.