Friday, August 11, 2006

The Parsley Murder.

My garden was bare this year. I wasn't planning on planting anything due to lack of time but I did manage to plant basil in a pot and I ran into a bit of luck and found a huge parsley plant that sprung up unannounced in my garden ...along with some unwelcomed weeds I keep pulling out on occasion.

I sent Pete outside over the weekend to cut the grass. He tends to wait until the grass itself looks like a corn field before taking the mulcher to it which I hate because we don't bag the grass. It recycles itself into the lawn but if you tend to wait too long and the grass is high, it just looks like hay strewn all over the clean grass when it dries.

I went out to help clean up the yard when I looked over at my garden and found nothing but a stump where my parsley used to be. It was torn to shreds. There was absolutely nothing left of it other than strewn pieces of parsley everwhere. Initially I had thought a racoon had chewed it all up but then I looked over at the hubby. Pete had the weedwacker in his hand, trimming away and I nearly fell over and died LAUGHING!

He looked at me strangely as I smiled and said "What the hell did you do to my poor parsley??!" He looked over at the garden and said, "I thought I was doing you a favour by cutting down those weeds. How should I know what parsley looks like!"

I finally managed to calm myself down after 10 minutes of my hysterical laughfest to say, "That's ok hun. You just gave me a great story to tell my friends."

Never trust a husband when he has the weedwacker in his possession.



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