Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm a quitter.... I'm an eater....I'm a player....

I'm a quitter. It's been 5 days since my last cigarette. I have to admit it has been fairly easy. I think I've only been tempted once at home basically because I was bored and during my morning break here at work since now I have nothing to do during my 15 minutes. Now, if only giving up chocolate would be this easy.

Went to Rosa's Place to celebrate uncle Joe's 65th birthday party yesterday. Ate like a pig. Antipasto, two kinds of pasta, tender veal and lemon chicken with fresh veggies, salad and fish with fruit and cookies afterwards......The food there is unbelievably good. It's just too bad it's incredibly expensive.

Bored? Watch this!

Feel like a dope. I took two hits of Benadryll this morning and I feel tired and sleepy. Dr. S suggested I take it for the itching from the operation. It does fuck all so, that'll be the last time I take it.

Back on plan for the week. I don't want to be but know I'll be disappointed in myself if I don't give it my all.
I'm still waiting for the Lep tickets to come. I'll be one happy camper once those come in.

My guitar playing is coming along quite nicely. I'm changing chords much faster now. It's just too bad I only have a limited amount of time to play. Just learned the songs Billy, "High" and No Bravery by James Blunt, Colours by Amos Lee and of course the first two songs I learned, Free Falling by Tom Petty and "Leavin' on a Jet Plane" ....I don't remember who sings that one.

I'm pretty excited on how quickly I've been able to pick it up actually. I took music lessons as a child but the notes were never able to stick. I guess you just have to be "into" it no matter how old you are.



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