Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The JB Presale chaos...

Wow. It's been a while huh? Sorry. I've been consumed with everything around me that I keep forgetting to drop a few words in here to tell you what's going on.

A few things...

They finally decided to replace the air conditioner units and fix the damn roof today at work. It's been hot with the sun beating down on me. Nothing I can't live with though.

Went to Wasaga beach over the long weekend with the kids. Pete went to the track. The kids had a blast and I got a burn. I also missed a doctors appointment and a dentist appointment because of our little trip. All worth it..I'd say.

James James James....and more James. The pre-sale was yesterday. I was nervous but managed to keep my cool I got myself 3rd row dead centre. I've very relieved. I had the pre sale jitters last week. Maia and I had a plan to buy more than a couple just in case one of us had better seats, we'd sell the others. The seats started to sell from the back up so after buying row 11, I got row 5 then I tried once more and got row 3. Couldn't get any better than that so I scooped 'em. Maia bought 19th centre row. So we're looking to sell those.
Sold both of my sets at face value of course. I could never make a buck off a true JB fan. I've noticed the scalpers are already on e-bay selling tickets for hundreds of dollars. The Fuckers. I can now laugh at them instead of the other way around.

Can't wait to meet Maia, Karren, Cat, Annec and her son and the other boardies. Hopefully there will be some way we'll be able to introduce ourselves.

It's going to be great ...umm...but don't tell Pete. He thinks I'm going with Stella. Stella apparently didn't want to go so I decided to team up with Maia (a complete Ok, well, not totally. We have talked over the phone so she isn't completely a stranger. I have a feeling we're going to have a blast!



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