All talk...
Peter and I had a long talk yesterday.
It all started with him bitching about the dogs and one thing led to another....
Conclusion? Nothing new.
Obviously he can sense that I'm "off". I know it. He knows it. He's been busy and so have I. We're both going through a rough time with our individual problems. We both know he's concerned about his engine and his job. We both know how the change in medication has been affecting me. I'll admit that I have been distant and cold towards him as of late. I know he's in need of some affection.
I'm working on it.
My biggest concern is how he thinks putting his hand on my ass is supposed to turn me on. I'm in need of some sweet talk and all he can do is molest me like an octopus. Mind you, the molesting is a good thing but only after the particular mood is set. lol
Have you ever watched that movie "The Family Man" with Nicholas Cage? There's a scene where he chases his wife around the house, pins her down on the stairs and starts kissing her. She whispers, "Tell me what I want to hear" and he pathetically says, "Oh baby you make me so hot". She stops suddenly with a look of total disgust in her face, gets up and says "Thanks for sweeping me off my feet Jack".
That particular scene is how I've been feeling towards Pete. It seems as though no matter how I explain it to him, he doesn't get it.
I can honestly say that despite all the sadness and confusion in our household, one good thing has come out of this. I've picked up the guitar again. Learning how to play new songs has really lifted my spirits. But, it also has it's downfall. It takes time away from Pete so I resist the urge to play when he's around. Isn't that sad. You'd think he'd want to listen to how much I've progressed instead of giving me those "what are you playing??" sarcastic looks.
My favourite song to play to date? Tears and Rain by James Blunt.

I think he'd be proud.
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