Monday, March 13, 2006

Skating on a Sunday....

Monday's suck but rainy Monday's suck even worse.

It's mild though. An odd high of 17 degrees which is supposed to be a 1977 record breaker apparently. It won't last long though. Tomorrow we're back to the -1 temperatures.

Danica and I are making it a habit of going skating on Sunday's. It's been 2 Sunday's in a row. A little expensive at $4.25 for 2 hours but good exercise none the less. Danica's doing much better too. She's skating rather smoothly while holding my hand but is too afraid to let go without hanging on the edge of the boards for more than 2 seconds.

I was doing fairly well myself. Well, I'm no expert but I can skate quickly and cross over but my skates clearly need to be sharpened because with only 5 minutes left to go home Danica sat down to rest and I took to the ice with speed and grace and then WHAM! Yep. Fell right on my sweet patootie. Both my palms are bruised as well as one of my elbows but surprisingly my butt doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I guess I have enough "padding" back there to have successfully cushioned my fall.

Embarassing too. Not because I rarely ever fall but only because there was a cute guy there who was looking at me. Reminded me of my teenage skating days where my friend and I would go skating to scan the potential Anyway, I must have just passed him on the ice when I landed on my backside. I think he just turned away and pretended not to see me. I just sat there for few seconds and laughed at myself after the initial pain and embarassment subsided.

Oh well. Everyone falls but not everyone gracefully bounces like I do. LOL!



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