Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The surgery

It's been quite uneventful these past few days which is good ...but quite boring. I've been finding myself munching on everything this past weekend. We had chinese, KFC and I just had to try those new Mega m&m's. It was a fat fest.
But, on a good note.....Now that I have endulged...it's out of my system. I can go on for years and not eat another chocolate covered peanut.

It's fuckin' freezing today. Minus 20 with the windchill. It's even cold in the office this morning. It's day's like this where I wished I had worn my sweats and stayed under the bed covers.

I look hot today. I'm wearing my high black boots, black dress pants, tight baby blue tank top and my short black jacket. This particular jacket is new. I just bought it last weekend at Reitmans for $14.00. It was supposedly marked down from $60.00. I think someone at the store made a mistake. I'm happy none-the-less. It's not everyday that I find a great deal like that.

I spoke to Ben yesterday and he faxed me all the required documents for my scheduled April 27 & 28th proceedure. Yes. I've decided to go ahead with the small cosmetic surgery. Apparently, I have to take a blood test and give the doctor a heafty deposit before all this can start. Now I know why he has marble floors in his office.

You wouldn't be able to tell by looking but I have been born and blessed with my parents hair genes which has left me with a thin spot on my head. It's bothered me for years and I know it's genetic because my mom and both my sisters suffer with the same blessed spot. I've been able to cover it well but have found myself in the position where I don't want to fuck with it anymore. I want to fix this problem where I don't have to worry about it anymore. Funny, when I spoke to my sisters about having the procedure done they were thinking of doing it for years. My oldest sister was expecially interested but said something that I should have been offended by. She said, "I was thinking of doing it too but since you're planning on it first....you be the guinnea pig and let me know how it turns out."
Yeah...I have the biggest mouth in Toronto because I should have never told her in the first place. I never told Pete that I had told her and what she said to me. He would have flipped.

The proceedure would consist of a 3,000 graft hair transplant from Dr. Seager. He's the best in his field and I have so much respect and trust in this man when it comes to his professionalism. He has a terrific reputation and apparently one of 4 doctors who specialize in transplanting in all of North America. Ben is his nephew who had also had the proceedure done and looks amazing. He works there as a salesman/assistant and has the cutest english accent. You could never tell from his photos that he had ever had a transplant done. It's normally done in one day but since I had opted for the lesser price, he booked a two day procedure with his Orange team. Normally, Dr. Seager's team have been working there for 15yrs and every so often find themselves hiring new people who have only been on the job for a year or so. That's the team who will be working on me. That's why it's 1/2 the cost. But, he assures me that Dr. S will be there to supervise so there's no need to worry about a poor job.

Am I nervous? No shit sherlock. There have been days of research and some sleepless nights trying to decide if this would be worth me going through, worth the money and worth the aggravation. They say it's painless but I don't care what anyone says, when anyone pokes holes in your body, it's gonna hurt.

Anyway. That's the gist of it. Nothing serious. More of a vanity issue than anything. Anyone want to talk me out of it before I lay the money down feel free to do so anytime.



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