Friday, February 10, 2006

Waiting in line...

I feel like I'm waiting in an extremely long line this morning.
The James Blunt tickets are going on sale this morning at 10am hour before all hell brakes loose. I have the strangest feeling I'll either get really lucky and get good seats or I won't get any at all. Those tickets seem to be in very high demand here in Toronto. Everyone and her mother are planning on getting their hands on those tickets.
We'll soon see how lucky I really am.

I've been reading this great book called "Why your life sucks and what you can do about it". Yeah, as soon as I saw this title I couldn't help but grab it.

The first chapter is all about giving your power away. You give your power away when you make someone or something outside of you more important than what is inside of you. You put people on a pedestal. You imitate instead of create. You don't listen to your intuition. You let others choose for you. You think destiny depends on something outside of you.

There was one thing from this chapter that made me really think how sad life really is. I actually highlighted it in bright yellow.
"As sophisticated as our school system is, it still rewards conformity far more than originality."

We're all taught to behave and listen to our teachers in school. If someone came to school with purple hair, it was frowned upon. He'd be looked upon as a freak meanwhile it was his artistic way to be different. I think that was one reason why I absolutely hated catholic school. We were all made to wear the same uniforms and sent to the office for not wearing them properly.

I wasn't a rebel in high school but just wanted to show my originality in my own way. I wanted to be me and wearing the kilt and white shirt and tie wasn't me.

It wasn't until that year was over that I felt more comfortable. My sister and I switched schools and went to a public school that was not very well known for it's academic achievments but at least we were who we were meant to be. Ourselves.

The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by what has been done inside them. - Just some inspirational words to leave you with today.



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