Friday, February 10, 2006

The God's are smiling down on me today....

First row floors, seats 4 & 5 for James Blunt on March 21 2006!

I realize that they're not the best seats in the house because they're at the left side of the stage but at this point just knowing that it probably sold out in a matter of 30 minutes, I'm thrilled.....damnit, I'm more than thrilled...I'm estatic!!!

But...what fucking stress!!! Holy mother of God! I honestly had people calling on the phone, visitors waiting right in front of me, co-workers needing things all at fucking 10am when the tickets when on sale.

I do feel bad for one of the girls in the office here. Toni and her husband were trying to get tickets as well with no luck. Anna got 3 tickets. 3rd row centre stage...yep, better than mine but her sister got them for her. She was probably at home re-dialing constantly or did what I did - refreshed the page until those tickets became available and then went for them.

I'm bringing Stella (my sister) with me. She doesn't know it yet but I'm giving her a ticket for her birthday on the 12th of March. I'm a much bigger fan than she is but I'm sure she'll just love to get out of the house with me. She deserves it anyway. She doesn't do anything or go anywhere...umpfh....much like me I suppose. She's a great mom and does everything and anything for her kids. I admire her so much. I really hope she enjoys herself...well, I hope we both have a great time!



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