Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Phone tied....

It's been two days of glorious quiet here in the office. The phone lines have been down since yesterday around noon. I hear many of the salesmen complaining but I couldn't be happier. This NEVER happens!
No interruptions, no complaining, no ringing in my poor poor ears! And who said there are no such things as miracles??? lol Glory be! Pigs do fly!!!

Although I'm loving the serene quiet of the office I did have a problem yesterday. I left work to pick up Juliana from day care and she wasn't there. It scared the shit outta me! Then Miss Daniella told me that she had been picked up by her father because they were trying to get a hold of me to tell me that they couldn't get through to me. Obviously because the phone lines were down.
At first I though ...damnit....I should have never got rid of my cell phone but today I realized that it was a good thing. Only because Pete takes no responsibility when it comes to these things. It's about time some was forced upon him by someone other than myself.

I'm a little pissed at him today. I told him that one of us has to stay home with Juliana today (and I was thinking it had better not be me because I stayed home with her for the past 20 times she was sick and frankly, my boss is getting a bit upset with that fact). He hesitantly said he would but that he'd have to take her into the shop with him and I almost freaked.

He'll take a feverishly sick 3yr old with him to a dusty, smelly, dirty cold automotive shop with him. What is she going to do there???! Stare at the walls??! I can't believe he could be so selfish!!
What kind of a father would jeopardize his child's well being???!!!

Excuse me while I take a vallium.

I made a long awaited appointment with Dr. Kauffman on Thursday. I've been feeling down lately and I'm hoping it's not my depression coming back. It's gotten to the point where it reoccurs every two months or so for about a week ...sometimes longer. I don't realize when it hits other than the fact that I want to cry for no reason and I become irritable with things that wouldn't have normally bothered me. Thoughts of life and death come into play...the meaning of life and love....my whole existance becomes irrelevant. So much bullshit comes to the fore front that it becomes overwhelming and I have a nervous breakdown.

My life is plain. Simple really, but when one person is left doing 100 things, no matter how simple those 100 things could be, it could be overwhelming.



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