Thursday, January 05, 2006

Something strange...

Something strange just happened.
I found myself, for once, having nothing to do. Absolutely nothing. The phones have stopped ringing, paperwork is all typed and filed and I've even neatly put everything away behind me so, I went on-line to find something to do and WHACK! .....nothing. I had no where to visit, nobody to harrass and no group board to post on. This is too scary for me so I thought of the next best place to be....right here.

Here, meaning, my blog (God! I hate that word). Diary....err, sounds too secretive. Journal. There. That's more my taste. Ok, now what should I talk about? The weather? Dull. My diet plan? Err, not again. How about the fact that almost never have nothing to do....eek, didn't I just do that?

This is strange. An afternoon to myself and nothing to say or do.

Wow. Pigs can fly!

Well, I could try to decide whether to make the family pasta or the steaks I bought on my lunch hour, count the tiles on the floor or ummm....I could count the cars that pass but that would just make me hungry, cross-eyed and look totally comatosed.

Works for me.
************(A good 15 minutes later and desperatley needing a snack, my glasses and a smack across the face)

It just hit me! I watched The Biggest Loser last night! What a great episode! A two hour special on two families working out, sweating out for their chance to win $50,000. Next weeks got to be a good one as well. Engaged couples! LOL Yeah, let see their engagement last before they tell each other to fuck right off! I can see it now: "Come on Steve, 10 more reps! Don't you dare let me down!" Steve turns and faces Sarah with the look of disgust and sweat beating down his forehead and says, "WTF Sarah? Stop naggin' already! Is this what you're gonna be like after the wedding?" LMAO!!! Talk about a recipe for disaster!

You know what? I wouldn't want to get on that show. Why, you ask? Just take a look at the exercise schedule and tell me if that's something you can do, day in and day out for the rest of your life. Not realistic to me. Unless you're a trainer, plan to become one or have absolutely no life. I bet 90% of those people gain every pound back and then some after the show.



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