Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Secret...

Everywhere I'd look around, whether it be in my e-mail, on a post or someone telling me face to face, "The Secret" popped up unexpectedly everywhere. The day I finally gave in and checked out the site was the day I knew there was more to life than the one I was living. I just had to buy the DVD and check it out for myself.

The night I watched it was the turning point. Somehow, I knew this all along but could never pin point exactly what I should have been doing. Months prior to watching The Secret, I had a breakdown. The majority of the thoughts that ran through my head were "What am I doing here? There's gotta be something more to life than this. What is the meaning of my life?" I believe The Secret was revealed to me because of these questions. After all, when you will receive.

Now that I know The Secret, I'm able to look at life in a new light. I'm a more positive happy person with great visions of my future and the future of those around me. Already, I'm seeing signs of the Law of Attraction working for me instead of against me. What a blessing! I am so greatful for having the opportunity to know the secret to a happy more fulfilling life and I have an irresistable urge to share this Secret with everyone I know so that it may benefit them.

Just recently, I have seen money pop up in unexpected places (mind you, the amounts were small but I'm ever so grateful for them none-the-less and I'm looking forward to receiving much larger amounts), I've received the new laptop computer I've always wanted, the computer screen at work was replaced with a flat screen, my job review with an increase in pay, my husband's new job proposition (which I know is going to be prosperous for the both of us) not to mention the excitement and joy I feel from knowing the secret makes me giddy with anticipation.

I'm so happy and greatful for many wonderful job which allows me to spend my free time playing/creating/exploring/reading on-line, my wonderful family, my good health, my new found friend, my trusty reliable car, the house that I call home, my eye sight so that I may be able to write this so freely and effortlessly and my hearing so that I may listen to the most talented artist... James Blunt.

The other day I printed out my very own check from the Universal Bank (un)limited for the amount of One Million dollars. I know what I need to do with this money. A certain portion will pay off my mortgage of course, then I'll secure a place for Peter so that he can have a stress free place to work, I'd have to plan a family vacation to Disneyland, and give some away to "Doctors Without Boarders" because I've always believed that you should always give back after receiving...after all, it's the Law of Attraction...isn't it.



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