Wednesday, November 01, 2006

He'll be coming around the mountain when he comes...

I think Pete is coming around.

It's understandable that he's been down these past few days. We finally made an agreement and I apologized for not being more respectful when it comes to him being worried about me.
So, the deal was....I asked him not to scoff at every mention of James Blunt and I promised him I'd be respectful and call him when I'm late.... or not.

We even had a pretty decent discussion about going to Vegas for James' last show of the year (something he'd never consider before this falling out) and I even mentioned having our marriage vows renewed in one of those small chapels while we're down there. And, even though we can't afford it ...It was nice of him even to consider it and listen without putting me down for a change. It's all I ask.

Oh yeah, kids had fun yesterday as they dressed up as cheerleaders. Pete took them out while I gave out candy. There were a total of 5 kids who knocked at the door. Surprising for such a heavily kid populated neighbourhood. I think it was due to the fact that I got home so late from picking up Juliana and we ate before they went out. By that time, kids were already heading home from their candy fest.

I'm also excited about my new cell phone. ....excited! I hated the idea of getting a cell only because it feels like I'm working since I'm on one all day. I decided if my cell phone and I were going to "bond" that I'd personalize way.
I went to and downloaded a few of James' ringtones. Now, I just smile when my phone rings. I've even had to call myself a few times today...LOL!



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