Monday, November 20, 2006

My Life Is Brilliant....

As I awaited the call from Vegas, I fooled around with the new laptop Pete bought on Saturday night. I played around with the music files then watched "The Secret" on the DVD that arrived that previous Friday and felt really good about life and the future.
Just as Pete was falling asleep, I heard the phone ring. It was almost 2am and I knew Lindsey was on the other side ready to let me listen in on the last song of James Blunt's tour....You're Beautiful.

After our hello's I listened with glee as I heard the crowd roar with appreciation when James played the infamous tune. My eyes filled with tears as I envisioned the band and Billy who I'm sure was astounded at the fact that so many boardies were there. Listening in was like embracing all the energy and love from that room in Vegas and filling my heart with such unimaginable joy...such excitement and appreciation. An overflow of emotions that no one other than a JB fan would truly understand.

I wiped away the happy tears as I thanked Lindsey and wished her a wonderful night with the rest of the boardies.

The connection from Vegas wasn't the best but the "phone" rendition of YB was like listening to a recorded live version. Even so, I felt my soul overflow with happiness for both the boardies who attended and James. The last show of the year should bring about some happy and sad feelings for him. He must feel overwhelmed at all the support given during that particular show...more so than any other...and I'm grateful for having the opportunity to share that with James thanks to Lindsey.

I only wished Maia could have shared a part of it with me as well....



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