Friday, October 06, 2006

James Blunt review Oct 3/06

I couldn't believe my eyes.
Maia and I sat in the 3rd row centre stage, mouths open and awestruck at how great our seats were and how we had a perfect view of the stage because we were standing for the most part.

James and the band had so much energy and charisma that everyone was left speechless. 15,000 people cheering along to his Back to Bedlam songs and a few new songs thrown in for good measure.

We waited by the buses after the show but he didn't come out which was a bit disappointing since there were only about 15 of us waiting there. I did find out that he was going to the Century on King and Bathurst. Niether of us got in due to the fact that you either had to be a whore dressed in skanky tight clothes and high heels or had to be on their VIP list.
Maia and I did see the band sneak in and I got in a few words with Karl but other than that...nothing.
I also attended the MTV live show to where he did an interview but after 10 minutes he was wisked away, probably to another promotional function. I was quite sad after that. He gives his fans so much and in return would have liked to give him a little something. I had purchased a guitar strap for him. It had the Canadian flag on it. I thought it would have been a nice reminder of all his fans here in Canada. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
I'm glad I got to meet Anne though.

All this makes me come to the realization that I have to stop this little obsession I have and start thinking of what's really going on around me. I've honestly given great consideration to give up the JB board entirely, but I just can't seem to. It's like having to give up and completely stop thinking of Dany. Unthinkable. There's always something or someone there to remind me of him and I'm afraid that if I do stop, I'll lose myself in the process. Life would no longer have meaning.

Dr. Waern once asked me what it is that I liked about James and his music. With careful thought I replied "The similarities. We've both experienced such an unfortunate loss and also the fact that he's a romantic." She didn't find anything romantic about him or his music but I suppose it's all in the way you view it.
You'll find some of my pics from the concert here:



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