Monday, January 30, 2006

Nanny Mcphee? Can you help me...errr Pete?

Another Monday morning. I feel blah today. Nothing unusual happening.
I had a busy weekend as always but tried to not over do myself with cleaning and just try to enjoy the time I spend with the kids.

I spent Saturday afternoon at my sister Stella's. The kids had a blast while Stella and I caught up on things as well as picked up something for Jo-anne's baby shower. Thank goodness I went when I did because there wasn't much left from the registry to choose from.

Yesterday was interesting. The family had planned to go to the movies. We watched Nanny Mcphee. It's a cool movie and although it took Juliana about 1/2 hour to get used to the big screen and not be frightened, we all enjoyed it until it was time to go home.

Pete wanted to pass by Best Buy. That was fine but as we were driving out of the lot, I spotted Cafe Dimetre. I had talked about going there that previous Friday but didn't know where it was so I got all excited when I saw it. He assumed I did that on purpose so that we could forget about going to Best Buy which wasn't true.

He sulked all the way home then when I told him the reason why I had pointed the cafe out was because I had found the location of it and I completely forgot about going there, he apologized.
I'm giving you the 2 second version of it here but in reality, it was a very long drawn out process.
Those kind of arguments should never happen. It's pointless and it drains so much energy. By the time it was over and done with, I was ready for bed and it was only 9pm.

It's strange. I don't know if I should have told him about Dr. Pupko's appointment on Thursday. Friday night he played 20 questions with me and tried to resolve some of my problems. He thinks that he should be the only one I should be talking to. "I don't need someone else interfering in our lives or your head for that matter." That's his opinion.

Personally, I think it's great to have that 3rd person to talk to. That way you won't be afraid of what the other person might be thinking or have to explain yourself and what you've said because he took it offensively. Sheesh, how many times has that happened? Yesterday, he asked me if our "little talk" helped. I said yes. Then he asked if I was still going to Dr. if to say, you don't need anyone else to talk to. ***sigh....God knows what that guy is thinking. I really honestly believe he thinks someone else will brainwash me into thinking of leaving him. LOL He has some serious issues.
Or, maybe he's afraid of what people might think when they find out what he's really like.

I told him I was going. It couldn't hurt...right?


Blogger Trinity said...

Hanging in there voodoo.

4:19 PM  

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