Conflicts of opinion.

This is me and my little one. I look tired...don't I?
You know how people say that being at work stresses them out? Well, it's the opposite for me. Being at home stresses me out.
Have you ever had to write a book report without reading the book? Well, that's what I had to deal with over the weekend. Danica had two months to read and write a book report that was due today. It was Friday night when I found out she had yet to finish reading her book. She had two months and she left it to the last minute....again. When I gave her shit about it she said "Well, who cares if the teacher fails me on this report. It's not like she can put me back a grade." and you know what....she's right. Smart huh? When I was a kid I was afraid of two things. Having to go to the Principles office to get "the strap" and having to fail a grade.
The kids nowadays don't get either...and they know it.
This situation did not bode well with Peter and I. We got into the same arguement about responsibilies between students and teachers and parents and students. It was a big mess. He actually wanted her to go to school today without it done. I just couldn't have that happen.
On Saturday, while Pete was at work, I kept on top of her to read while keeping Juliana occupied and out of Danica's hair. Not an easy task...let me tell you. We spent all of Saturday night writing out the rough copy. (So much for Maia's sorry hun) with Juliana beside me screaming for attention. Danica spent Sunday morning writing out the good copy and by the time I came back from grocery shopping, she was done. What a friggen relief!
This brings me to question ....why it is everyone else has to suffer for one persons mistake?
Danica was the one who left her book report to the last minute causing ripples of havoc for everyone else around her. We all missed out on family time, we couldn't go to the park and enjoy the nice weather, I couldn't go to Maia's party on Saturday night, Juliana missed out on any weekend fun because of it and she had Pete and I fighting about who's responsible for teaching these kids in the first place.
Sunday night wasn't pleasant either. While it was Pete's night to put the kids to bed and because I have a routine with them he lost his patience and freaked out. He does have a point when he says "you can't let them walk all over you" and I can get "wishy washy" at times but but I guess I don't see it in this case. The girls and I have a certain way of doing things and I don't really let little things bother me as often anymore. When I hand over the reigns to Pete and he doesn't do what I do with them, the little ones freak out and in turn, forget that dad has a short fuse.
That hurts me more than it hurts them because I feel responsible for loosening up the strings in the first place.
This is one day I can honestly say....Thank God it's Monday.
Have you ever had to write a book report without reading the book? Well, that's what I had to deal with over the weekend. Danica had two months to read and write a book report that was due today. It was Friday night when I found out she had yet to finish reading her book. She had two months and she left it to the last minute....again. When I gave her shit about it she said "Well, who cares if the teacher fails me on this report. It's not like she can put me back a grade." and you know what....she's right. Smart huh? When I was a kid I was afraid of two things. Having to go to the Principles office to get "the strap" and having to fail a grade.
The kids nowadays don't get either...and they know it.
This situation did not bode well with Peter and I. We got into the same arguement about responsibilies between students and teachers and parents and students. It was a big mess. He actually wanted her to go to school today without it done. I just couldn't have that happen.
On Saturday, while Pete was at work, I kept on top of her to read while keeping Juliana occupied and out of Danica's hair. Not an easy task...let me tell you. We spent all of Saturday night writing out the rough copy. (So much for Maia's sorry hun) with Juliana beside me screaming for attention. Danica spent Sunday morning writing out the good copy and by the time I came back from grocery shopping, she was done. What a friggen relief!
This brings me to question ....why it is everyone else has to suffer for one persons mistake?
Danica was the one who left her book report to the last minute causing ripples of havoc for everyone else around her. We all missed out on family time, we couldn't go to the park and enjoy the nice weather, I couldn't go to Maia's party on Saturday night, Juliana missed out on any weekend fun because of it and she had Pete and I fighting about who's responsible for teaching these kids in the first place.
Sunday night wasn't pleasant either. While it was Pete's night to put the kids to bed and because I have a routine with them he lost his patience and freaked out. He does have a point when he says "you can't let them walk all over you" and I can get "wishy washy" at times but but I guess I don't see it in this case. The girls and I have a certain way of doing things and I don't really let little things bother me as often anymore. When I hand over the reigns to Pete and he doesn't do what I do with them, the little ones freak out and in turn, forget that dad has a short fuse.
That hurts me more than it hurts them because I feel responsible for loosening up the strings in the first place.
This is one day I can honestly say....Thank God it's Monday.
Hey, I replied to your comment on my post about the 2007 Mustang. You should take a look...
As far as this post... well, I'm not sure what to say. Every parent/child relationship is different, and impossible to judge by outsiders.
All I can add, is strictly from my own experience. I DO have a 26 year old daughter, but because of divorce, I was living in the same home with her, until she was three. I've had limited access to her parenting in all the years since.
There are some things I really believe about raising kids, and I'll talk about them now.
First and most important, is that your child should NEVER believe that when it comes to disapline, that SHE is in control. You, as a parent need to make it clear that YOU are in control... Not her!
If my daughter gave me that comment that "Well, who cares if the teacher fails me on this report. It's not like she can put me back a grade." My answer would've been... Hey! Your teacher and your school are trying to prepare you to succeed in life! YOU need to follow their instruction. And by the way, from now on, I want to know all your homework assignments, and when they are due. We're not going to let anything fall behind from now on.
It doesn't matter if you don't get it... You are the child, and I am the parent. From now on, it is expected that you keep up with your assignments ON TIME!
If you fall behind on this, there will be punishments as the result. These can include grounding for indefinite periods, and other penalties that you'll really hate!
This is no longer pick and choose for you... you either do it my way, or suffer the consequences.
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