...and the clouds separated and it was sunny once again.

The news of James and Petra's break up was all over the internet and news yesterday. Roaring like a wild fire. I can hear the sighs of relief from all the single and married ladies around the office...well, not literally..... but you know what I mean.
Although very beautiful, I always questioned why someone as intellectual and soulful stimulating would have ever chosen to date someone like Petra. Granted, I don't know her personally but upon following the status quo..... Great looks = little brains.
This has also lead me to think about relationships in general and why it is we are attracted to our polar opposites. I think it's because we believe we need them to complete something within us that we don't possess in order to make us happy. In reality nobody can make you happy. You and you alone are the only person who can determine whether or not you choose to be happy.
I've read somewhere that "Man lives in the world without; Few people have found the world within, and yet it is the world within that makes the world without".
I hope James finds what he's looking for within himself before looking externally. Good luck to ya little bro.
Hey you, I commented on your previous post as well. Congratulations on Mr. Blunt being unattached again. I think you should jump him ASAP! (just kidding)
I believe what you say about how ultimately happiness comes from within. I know from my own experience that it's possible to have people love you, and still make yourself miserable because of bad choices and misdirection of your own doing.
I'm very interested in your inner journey Trin... seriously. Please keep reporting on how it's going.
Love Always,
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