Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring has sprung...

I just now came back from my break and thinking how wonderful it is to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. Ahhh, how great it's going to be walking on my lunch hour again instead of on a treadmill in a stuffy gym...can't wait!

All I need now is an IPod. The problem there isn't the money. I am abundant, remember? Or, at least that's what I'm telling my brain. The problem, or more the hesitation is my lack of knowledge. I'm afraid that I've been so "out of the loop" that I won't know or be able to learn how to use the darn thing. So, I've taken it upon myself to research a little but I have been unfortunate thus far, to find the right web site to answer my questions.

I guess I'll just have to keep looking.

My diet is going well. I've been at now for about a month and have already lost 4.5lbs. So, the future is looking brighter.
Speaking of the future, Pete is as I type moving out of his unit into a larger one with all the state of the art equipment. I'm so very happy for him. He's moving on to bigger and better things which means bigger and better things for the family. I'm just afraid that since he'll be the only one technician there, he'll be working his ass off. Nothing wrong with a little hard work but perhaps it'll be too much for one person to handle. I had also really wanted the family to go away on vacation somewhere before the jobs started to pour in (which they will) but I'm afraid that's a lost dream at the moment. Who knows when we'll all be able to as a family get away now?

On a totally different note, I've recently been interested in meditation. Now, I know what you're thinking. Meditation is for yoga enthusiasts and monks. Right? Well, believe me....I thought the same thing at first but ever since I've been reading on the laws of the universe and the subconcious and reading about the most wealthiest people in the world, I've come to realize that they all use meditation as a form of relieving stress and to connect with their inner being. That is what has actually helped them become millionaires. There could be something to this meditating stuff after all...doncha think? Well, worth looking into anyway. Besides, who said that a little 'quiet' time ever hurt anyone?

Looking forward to the weekend and wishing you the best ever!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Trin, Sorry to comment here so late! Yeah, when the weather finally turns nice and it feels like Spring, it's wonderful to be outside again. As far as IPods, I don't have one, and know nothing about them. I'm still playing cassettes in my old Walkman, which is still okay by me. I have a portable CD player in the car that hooks up to my car speakers, but that's the only place I use it.

I know how ya feel about vacation... we are seriously overdue for one ourselves. Not sure yet whether we're going or not. Both our jobs are very busy and it's hard to find the right time to take off.

I'm eager to hear about whatever your experience is with meditation. It's something I worked with alot in the past but eventually fell out of. I sincerely believe there are great benefits from practicing it, and may start again myself.

Hugs back,


4:45 PM  

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