A disturbing Jason Mraz...

Jason Mraz has toured with James in the past, I believe. I don't know much about him and haven't heard his songs. What I do know is that he's a performer just like James (maybe not as famous). I just read his latest diary entry regarding autographs and pictures for his fans and it made me think...no, it made me angry.
This is a bit of what he wrote....
I still haven’t grasped the concept of saying, “No thank you, but I appreciate your enthusiasm and I am honored that the music means so much to you.” That would be the adult thing to do right? But the look on just one person’s face, the helplessness of an open mouth meshed with a beautiful stare, I give in and think it’s what I HAVE to do; midnight community service on an icy set of stairs. If I agree to just one, it’s on. The rush of impersonal pressures to scribble a sad looking version of my own name on a napkin, a business card, a ticket stub, whatever, come flooding in. Within seconds my surrounding airspace is sucked into a vacuum rightfully reserved for teen people and tiger beat subscribers, who peel away not knowing anymore about me or themselves, except that this encounter might land them in tomorrow’s “look who I met” column. Did you really meet me? Or did your ticket stub meet my pen? Did we have a conversation? Or did you squander our time teaching someone how to take a poorly lit low-resolution photograph of you and I in the same frame? I’m sorry, but I no longer understand the need for written documentation or picture proof of our encounter. I would rather know your name, shake your hand, find out what you liked about the show, what kind of music you like other than mine, where you’re from, wow you traveled how far? And so on. Only then will you be able to walk away and truly say that we did indeed meet. With that said, I’ll make this known here and I’ll do my damnedest to follow through. NO MORE PICTURES. PLEASE.
This disturbs me. I suppose in a way he has every right to feel this way since those fans don't really know him but it upsets me to think that he would shun away the very people who put money in his pocket...the very people who admire his work and have come to see him perform.
It's like being a rich surgeon and saying I love my job and the wealth that goes with it but ....I don't want to see any more blood from now on. Well, I'm sorry Mr. Mraz but we (well some of us), the people, are your fans. We are the ones who buy your tickets. We are the ones who make you rich and famous. Being famous comes with it's share of duties. Autographs and pictures with you are just one of the many things people pride themselves of having after hearing you perform and hoping to chat with you after your show (as unlikely as that may be). Just a small memory of the night and even a bit of envy of the very life you live.
How dare you!
Whilst it true that they may not truly know you, they adore your music and in that sense, know you by what you reveal to them either on-line, during your show or by the media. So, if it is what you HAVE to do to keep your adoring fans close at hand, might I suggest bringing your own sharpie to the next concert you perform and smile pretty for the camera?
Fame has it's price Monsieur Mraz. Like it or leave it.
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