And now, for the uncut version...

My horoscope for the 21st of March said: "You see the big picture today. You are easily able to get your ideas across to others. Accept an unexpected invitation to a social gathering." This is why I brought my sharpie ....just in case.
I was definately shocked when I stepped inside the joint. Massey Hall was the last place I'd expect someone like James to perform in. A small venue that held only 2,800 people but the sound was exceptional and made for a more intimate show. I guess I was lucky.
The show started off with a band called "The Boy Least Likely to". Good band I suppose if you like the Beatles mixed with the sound of hicktown (country). Not my cup of tea although they put on a good performance and interracted with the audience a bit. I liked that.
The crowd was livid as expected when James walked out. He sang a couple of songs and then everyone started rushing the stage and stood up. Nice for a bigger venue I suppose but I couldn't see shit. They were all pulled away after a couple of songs and I breathed a sigh of relief. The new songs he sang are definately going to be big when they hit the shelves. Truly fanominal.
The pics I took weren't all that great but I was just so happy to be there with Stella. Then when he started singing You're Beautiful I knew everyone was going to rush the stage and I knew it was the only oportunity for a good picture so I seized the moment with Stella pushing me from behind yelling "go go go!" so ...I did, right to the center of the stage! At the end of the song I yelled "Paul!" He looked right at me and I yelled "Great job!" and he smiled.
I got about 5 great pics until I ran out of film. Damnit. I could have kicked myself for not bringing my Canon.
Stella and I stood there talking at our seats after the show and two blondes were urging one of the guards to let them backstage beside us. I just asked him politely where the tour bus was and thanked him. Then we put in a plan of action.
We went to get the car from the parking garage and parked on the street behind the venue. There were about 40 people waiting there for autographs and while Stella waited in the car, I stood outside with the rest of them. 40 people dwindled to 30 then the security guard told everyone that James had left. There were only about 5 of us left waiting when one of the guards tugged at my coat and asked me if I was alone and if I had wanted to meet James. Well.... Duh! lol
He asked me to wait for him, went inside, came back out and called me to come in. At this point I was nervous. Why was this guy so nice to me and what the heck exactly did he want for payment? LOL We walked out and headed for the tour bus where he said "Did you really think he was still here?" They apparently dressed him in a disguise, walked out the front doors and drove him over to the Imperial Pub around the corner. Ingenious! I laughed. He was actually going to give me a ride there but I asked if I could take my own car. "What are you doing here alone anyway?" he asked. I told him I really wasn't alone and that my sister was waiting for me in the car across the street. He told me to follow the silver Intrepid. So ...we did.
Stella didn't want to come in with me even though I begged her to. I, for once in my life, wasn't afraid to do something alone and if it was a chance at meeting him, damnit, there was no stopping me. I walked upstairs but didn't see him. Then walked downstairs to the bar at the bottom. That's when I saw Karl at the bar and shook his hand. I continued to look around for James and saw the back room guarded and a bunch of people taking pics so I knew he was there. I saw the original guy who led me there, thanked him and offered to buy him a drink. He didn't drink but asked me if I was a groupie. I laughed and said "God no!" and had images of scantily clad women having sex just to meet someone famous. Umm...definately not me.
My heart skipped a beat as I approached the room and peered inside. There was Paul and Ben and James playing pool with this older gentleman. Holy shit! I thought. He plays pool! And, very well I might add. lol
I waited patiently. I didn't want to be rude. I'm sure he deals with his fair share of that everyday. When the game was over he walked right past me, headed outside to have a smoke and I followed feeling like a lost puppy with black sharpie in hand. Security asked me to wait until he finished. He was having a nice conversation with this older lady who was apparently from Australia and had seen him perform there. Then he walked inside straight to the pool room again. Then I mumbled, "What's it take for someone to get an autograph." The guard at the door said "Patience...alot of patience" and smiled. I thought then it was the perfect oportunity to get autographs from the rest of the band. Ben, Paul and Karl all signed the back of the CD graciously. Especially Karl. There was just something about him that I loved. Maybe it was the wink he gave me afterwards or his modesty that touched me. I dunno.
Waiting for James was a torturous pleasure. He walked passed me to the bathroom and then back into the pool room. It was though he didn't want to notice me there though. I was a little offended at that point until he walked out again and the two guys beside me stopped him to take a picture, then he noticed me standing there, alone with marker in hand.
He stood about 5'7 with the most shyest look on his face. You'd never imagine he was a superstar. I finally came to realize that he really doesn't know how popular he really is. Or, maybe he just wants to feel like a normal nobody sometimes. Who could blame him, really. The 24 hr limelight must drive him crazy. I guess it's all a part of being famous even when you don't realize how famous you've really become.
Anyhow, he asked me to hold his lighter while he took the marker from me. "Hi, how are you?" he asked and I just stood there wondering if it was really him. After a very long uncomfortable pause, I said "Fine". The guys beside me asked when he'd be back in Toronto and he said November. That's when I finally got my courage and said, "I guess you should really book a bigger venue next time" and he smiled and walked out for another smoke.
I walked to the car and looked over at him while telling Stella what had happend. "He's a Pisces. He doesn't want to be noticed. He was holding his head down outside as if he was he didn't want to be recognized." Then she told me something that really made alot of sense. She said "Pisces generally feel as though they're no special than anyone else."
He was avoiding eye contact with me so what she said made sense.
I walked out of there in denial...a little shocked at the autographs at myself and what I had actually when through to get them but all in all felt really pleased that James and his bandmates were such nice people. I hope they stay that way for a very long time.
I drove Stella home and drove off wondering if Pete was snoring on the couch or if he finally made it to bed for once. Got home around 2:30am and Pete didn't look too happy....but that's tomorrow's journal entry.
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