Dad's hip!...
Yeah, he's cool but more frankly he went in for surgery on the 22nd for hip replacement surgery. I drove him in that morning right after the concert. Walking dead would be an understatement to how I was feeling that Luckily for me, my body was pumping more adrenaline than normal so I survived just thinking of the concert.
Everything went fine except when I went to see him Saturday night he had some trouble with acid reflux and couldn't eat a thing for a couple of days. He said it was because of the Tylenol they gave him for pain. Must have been coated with codine and just screwed up the lining of his stomach.
He looked much better last night. The kids and I went to visit him. Apparently my mom had just left an hour before I got there. He'll be moved to a different floor today for some therapy then it'll basically take about 5 months for him to feel normal again. He's a strong man. I know he'll be up and walking in half that time.
On a different note:
I've had to have yet another "talk" with Pete over the weekend. He's the jealous type that always needs to be reassured about us and our relationship and with me talking about Blunty, seeing him in concert and to top it off, get his autograph, Pete's been feeling very insecure.

Heaven knows why! It's not like James would ever fall for someone like me anyway. It's like obsessing about Brad Pitt. Yeah, like that's an attainable dream! lol
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