Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm game!

I came home yesterday to find Pete opening up boxes of stuff that he had just bought. We've been thinking of buying another TV/VCR/DVD player so that the kids wouldn't occupy all their playstation time on the big screen. Besides, I heard that it's bad if you play those graphics on a big screen.

Anyway, he had the TV mount already up .....IN OUR BEDROOM! Can you see where this is going? I think he's trying to spice up our sex life and maybe pop in a porno or two after the kids go to bed. LOL Hey, whatever floats your boat...I'm game!

I'm not looking forward to the weekend. My mother in law is expecting us over for Sunday Easter lunch. I'm going to have to fake an asian flu or some kind of convulsion to get away from eating all those pasta carbs. I hate to disappoint her when it comes to not eating her food. She takes so long and puts in so much effort in making it, I can relate to the 'let down' when someone's not eating it.
None the less, I'm not going to stress over it. I'm determined to see through my "Operation Good/Real Food" plan. It's working well so far. Two days down....158 days to go. Ok. That seems to be a very long time but it really isn't. These days, weeks and months are just flying by. I can't believe we're already in April!

I went to see Dr K on Saturday and she decided to change my medication from Prozac to something called Wellbutrin. She says that the new drug doesn't have the sexual side effect that Prozac causes. Pete will certainly be a happier camper and I'll no longer have to hear him complain about not getting any...or not getting enough. By the sounds of it, if it were up to him he'd be groping me 24/7. The horny bastard. lol



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