Monday, July 23, 2007

DL Sarnia and the Demons Inside...

Let me start off by saying that even though I'm a bit tired and sunburned, driving for 3 hours and then waiting in line for 10hrs at the GA show, (even though we had VIP tickets) was well worth it.
Tami, Trisha, Kathy, Eric, Danica and I were one of the first in line to see Def Leppard on Saturday night and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. We also saw Lisa and Lana (the twins) and Izzy and her daughter Julie there. Julie and Danica hit it off instantly and stood together, danced and caught guitar pics while watching the show. We stood at the end of the "thrust" in awe, getting some great memorable pictures and a few smiles from the guys. Definately a night to remember but not the same without Janeen there and of course Gordon's name popped up a few times in conversation. Would have been great to have him there with us as well.

The crowd was more responsive than I thought they would have been. We really enjoyed the show from that perspective and the sound was much better than standing first row near the stage. I could tell that Joe's voice wearing thin and even though it started off a bit 'off', he pushed it to the limit for us and gave us his all. By the end of the show we were all wondering where the time went. All that waiting, all the all just a memory now. Sad, but happy and proud to see them again.

The strangest thing was, that looking back at it now, I never though of Peter once during that time. Quite sad really. While Danica was sleeping on the drive home, I listened to 1973 on my Ipod and wondered what James was doing, wondered if Juliana was a good girl while staying with her Aunt, thought about how just two nights before was the first "July 20th" that I've ever been happy (happy birthday Dany) but never once did I think about Pete.

When I finally came home I noticed him sleeping on the couch. My sister Stella brought Juliana back home and the kids were playing noisily for at least a couple of hours before he woke up. There was no big hug, no questions about the show, no kiss, no smile, no interest what so ever....nothing. I guess he was too depressed about not having his engine ready yet. I tried to comfort him but it seemed like the more I tried, the more he pushed me away. He's not the type of person who feels better with a pep talk. He becomes ...not so much jealous but angry that I had such a good time and he didn't. Typical selfish Peter. He was quiet all night so I didn't share my joy with him but with Danica and smiled while reminiscing and at the pic she caught from Viv.

Today, I try to smile.
The demons have escaped once again.



Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I'm impressed! So you saw Def Leppard in Toronto and Sarnia... You're becoming quite adventurous these days. Again, I think it's great that you're getting together with your Rock n' Roll buddies and sharing the experience.

I wish Pete would give you a break and try to show more interest in what makes you happy... but I guess it's not my place to judge.

Anyway, Keep on Rockin' Babe!

With much affection,


3:13 PM  

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