Tuesday, August 07, 2007

One of the brightest stars....

Well, it took a whole weekend's worth of arguing, reasoning and such but I finally got Pete's blessing.

I've wanted to plan a get-a-way for as long as I can remember but somehow there always seemed to be an excuse. Whether it's not enough money, not enough vacation time at work, the kids were too small or Pete couldn't get away due to business. I vowed that this year would be different. With or without Peter, I was going to make this year a year to remember.

Initially I was planning to go to Vancouver. Louisa, a friend from the UK, had flown to Toronto to watch Def Leppard perform. She was the one who gave me the idea to travel to Vancouver and Victoria to catch a couple of shows. Pete wanted nothing to do with it. He can't get away anyway since this is his busiest time at the shop with people wanting their hot rods out so I decided to make the trip by myself....... Solo. Hence the weekend boxing match.

Then I heard about James playing in London for a one time bash at the Koko and looked up how much the trip would be and I found out that it would cost more to Vancouver with the cost of flight, hotel and concert tickets than it would be to London England. So?

Here I am like a mad woman, looking up flights and accomodations to catch Jay Jay live in friggen London! The only thing holding me back from actually booking the flight is that the concert tickets aren't going to be "sold" in the traditional fashion. They're going to be part of an on-line lottery in which 450 names will be chosen to attend this performance. Winners will be informed on August 17th which means if I get an e-mail saying that I've won, I'll be able to buy the ticket for $20.00 (umm...I think that's in pounds) and then I'll be booking my flight and hotel that very day.

If I don't receive the e-mail, I'll just take it as a sign that this particular trip just wasn't meant to be. But, I'm fairly confident that I'll be going. Call it a hunch, a feeling...I just know it. ;) The Universe owes me big time!



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