A two count obsession....

James Blunt...this time in action.
I could almost kick myself for not discovering him a month prior as he was playing at the MOD here in Toronto.
It would have been perfect too. A small venue....intimate and personal. By the time I get a chance to see this guy again, he'll be too popular so there'll be no chance in hell to get good seats or even close at an autograph.
Such is my luck.
Christmas is just around the corner and the cookies are flying around here like hotcakes. lol What's with people this time of the year? They all think it's a free ticket to fatsville! All of them thinking it's ok to endulge in cakes and cookies, chocolates and candy. I'm sure they'll all kick themselves after stepping on that scale next month. I guess that's why people make new year resolutions to lose weight after the Christmas season.
I've been offered cookie after chocolate and have politely turned it down. "Christmas only comes once a year" they say.
I've heard many excuses but have to laugh out loud at that one. "Yes, it does." I reply "but do you only endulge in these things once a year?".
They have yet to give me a resounding "yes".
I guess working for the perfect body would be my other obsession. People still think I'm nuts.
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